My reply to a pretty misleading article written about the 6th Rencontres Cinématrographiques de Hergla, which I took part in for the second time (first being 2007). The event is organised by Mohamed Challouf and the cultural association Afrique Méditeranée. I'm addressing the Board of Editors of Tuniscope, the portal on which the misleading article was published.
Dear Tuniscope Board of Editors,
It is pretty astonishing that even a “Portail généraliste Communautaire” such as Tuniscope, although not a film-critics magazine, but indeed very popular and therefore meaningful within the Tunisian community, can accept and publish such a misleading article, as the one written by Henda Chennaoui about the “Rencontres Cinématographiques de Hergla” (“Rencontres cinématographiques de Hergla: un festival charmant malgré les lacunes”, published 02/08/2010).
It is moreover embarrassing and sad that an article on a cultural event, specifically a critic, written by a supposed "journalist", reports so poorly and superficially about it, focusing more on its “managing flaws” than on its specific artistic contents.
The fact that according to Henda Chennaoui the "Rencontres Cinématographiques de Hergla" are merely “charmant malgré les lacunes” and that the “lacunes” relate to specific managing aspects and not to the contents themselves of the initiative, highlights the poor and limited perspective of her observation. I should also add that as part of the organization myself, I know she only spent barely one day in Hergla at the “Rencontres”, being there for the opening night and leaving on the next midday. Therefore, I really wonder how she could write an article based only on someone's reports (“d’après quelques témoignages”), without trying to gather herself facts at “first-hand”, for example by asking for an interview with the director Mohamed Challouf or with someone else of the organisation.
The fact that, allegedly, Mr Challouf does not "involve" the local Tunisian film associations should have been further investigated; and Ms Chennaoui might have found out a little bit more about how things really are. "A different point of view", in journalistic terms.
In my 15-years experience within the African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival of Milan (Italy) I've encountered several film critics, film journalists, artists and professionals, and so far I've never heard of a critic to a cultural event based on such limited reasons as those used by Ms Chennaoui. And as poorly documented.
To make a comparative example, what Ms Chennaoui wrote is the same as criticizing a film director for the stink of his feet while shooting his film, rather than for his technical and artistic choices.
Even provided that Ms Chennaoui is a brilliant observer (which I doubt), she could have never perceived what she said about Mr Challouf by only staying the opening night and chatting with a couple of “witnesses”. Actually what she should have noticed (and unfortunately by staying so limited time she was not able to grasp) is that Mohamed Challouf makes a huge effort to offer the Tunisian community (Hergla's first) a truly different and innovative perspective on art, culture, history and society.
The “Rencontres Cinématographiques de Hergla”, a unique event in the cultural and social scenario of Tunisia, take place in the little village of Hergla and offer its inhabitants and the Tunisian public high quality screenings, discussions with filmmakers and artists, and gather professionals from all over the Mediterranean and beyond. Meetings, discussions, confrontations: this implies opening up towards the environment, the others, to new ideas and generations.
Ms Chennaoui should have considered that this event is not a "Festival", there is no film competition nor awards, it is not aimed at being the showcase for few well-known "intellectuals", nor does it attempt to gain political favours.
The “Rencontres” aim at truly giving a chance to the children and youth of
The “Cinematographic Frameworks of Hergla” take place in a small village because the original idea is to bring also to the little and forgotten people the beauty of Art and Cinema, in order to let them discover the world around them and to give them the chance to look at different possibilities. Life beyond our own fences.
Furthermore, rather than superficially criticising how it is organised (I invite Ms Chennaoui to try and manage this sort of event in such a place and with the limited resources available), we all should keep in mind the enormous difficulties Mr Challouf has to deal with, alone because of the lack of reaction, reply and support by the Tunisian institutions as well as supposedly "engaged" film associations and "intellectuals".
Probably he is out of the typical "ritual" way of committing people based on implore, please, flatter and beg everybody. If I hear or read of an initiative related to Cinema and Culture, as engaged activist I first myself go and try to get involved and eventually offer sincerely my collaboration. I do not need a written, formal and repeated invitation. I move up myself, in order not to lose the chance. And so did those who actively contributed to the organisation of the “Rencontres”.
I can assure you that the person in charge for managing the basic initial activities (Gina Annunziata) did try to involve all of the local Tunisian people and institutions that she could reach. Unfortunately nobody replied but one, and only a week before the “Rencontres” started. So, why not exploring this other side of the story, before blaming the absence of the “locals” ?
Ms Chennaoui could have documented herself a bit more about how things really are, if she had just read an interview with Mr Challouf back three years ago, published on Jetsetmagazine.net (*Ref). Just in order to have an idea of what it means organizing and managing a cultural event such as the “Rencontres Cinématographique de Hergla”.
In fact, she neglected to ask for an interview with Mr Challouf himself so to hear the "other voice", or to further research her "very first" impressions about the event. Her whole article relates more on the person of Mr Mohamed Challouf than to the specific contents of the initiative, and this can only highlight her superficial and alienate approach. Professional journalism goes beyond such a limited perspective. Such an ambiguous and instrumental use of the written word should be deplored.
Ms Chennaoui seems to merely report someone else's perspective, and it really looks like she just used her name to actually say what someone else wanted to, but had not the courage to express directly. If this is the case, Ms Chennaoui should deeply meditate on what journalism, communication and culture really mean and involve. Even the harshest critics require thoroughness of information, verifying of sources, opinions and point of views.
It is a shame that despite all the efforts made by initiatives such as the “Rencontres Cinématographiques de Hergla” to spread a truly independent and autonomous mind within the Tunisian society, even a "journalist" falls in the trap of an easy, manipulated and superficial thought. Really, a lot of work to be done yet!
Laura Lucia Notaro
Coordinator of Translation Services and Film Programming
African, Asian and Latin American Film Festival of
(*Ref) - 2007 Jetsetmagazine.net - Interview with Mohamed Challouf
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