Everybody to Cape Town !

FOR MY "NON - ITALIAN" SPEAKING FRIENDS...I'll be also writing in English, up and then, to keep you updated too!!!

Here we are...tomorrow I'm off to Cape Town.
First connection in Dubai..then I'll be flying over to Africa on Tuesday.
I'm very excited and have been really looking forward to leaving, I even perceived a particular lightness and deep enjoyment. My heart is joyfully going at "feast-beat" !

Getting ready, leaving behind more and more stuff, my luggage is incredibly "compact" this time, a miracle "

Simona and Tiago will be waiting for me at the airport on Tuesday. I'll be staying at theirs' (with Mark, Tiago's dad).
It's simply great to have had such a chance to experience Africa in everyday life. I'm very grateful to Simona for this opportunity. Furthermore, I'll be able to perceive reality through the eyes of a young "2ndGeneration" Southafrican, since Tiago was born and is growing up in South Africa, from an Italian couple.

This is an especially favourable perspective, since it allows you to by pass your being there merely as a "tourist" and thus broading your view.

Milan is deep in a gorgeous and hot summer day. Voices and noises from the street through the open windows, even kitchen noises...it seems to be at the seaside. Milan "seats" on water, like Venice. Of course it's not like Venice, but also Milan is on a laguna. Not in front of the sea, though.

I just wanted to be precise, since I've been scolded about this.
And also because on the contrary CAPE TOWN is at the seaside and I'm so glad.
I'll be standing in front of the South Pole. I'll be watching the Antarctica, and I'll be dreaming of the World Tour. Last summer I was in front of the North Pole, facing Greenland and Arctic.

Here we are, South Africa! Bonne voyage a tout le monde ! Big hug to all !
